Sunday, April 10, 2011

Working Hours

There is a certain amount of freedom to being an artist and not working a regular 9 to 5 job. Just how can you regulate your working hours and be profitable? Too few hours worked can mean no income coming in. Do you treat being an artist like a regular job and work 40 hours a week during the week and take off on weekends? Well, most artists I know work most days, not just five days. It is a business and it's success depends on the time you spend working at it. You not only have to spend time creating works of art but you also have to think about composition and color and work out the layout prior to beginning. Also you need to deal with the marketing end of the business. So, though you have the freedom to work the hours you would like and the times of the day you would like, there is an awful lot of time that goes into your small art business. I sometimes can go days and not be very inspired or productive. I use those days to work at marketing. Then at times I am very productive, having in mind the next project while currently working on a painting. I may have weeks that I am busy at my easel and happily involved in many projects. But, it comes and goes as inspiration comes and goes. Your working hours may vary, but the main thing is to keep plugging away at it and make your art business grow while still keeping the art fresh and enjoyable to do. Yes, it is a job, but it is also a pleasure and a passion and something you must do to express yourself, be it with painting or whatever creative venture with which you are involved.

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