Tuesday, April 12, 2011

His Taste Is All In His Mouth!

My old boss of many years at the printing company had a saying, "His taste is all in his mouth!" He of course was referring to clients who were adamant to have the layout of whatever they were having printed done exactly the way they wanted it, in the color they wanted, etc., even though it looked hideous. There is just no accounting for taste. Art is very subjective. Some people can only relate to a piece of art that is very realistic, almost like a photograph. Some people like wild and crazy outsider art. The preferences are personal. Maybe a certain image makes a connection and sparks a memory of times past. You just never know what exactly will attract a person to a piece of art. If you don't particularly care for a painting, someone else may love it. Case in point, I did not care for a painting I did in a different color palette than I usually use. Someone else saw it and wanted it where they could look at it while it was being displayed to sell in a shop. So, though a painting may not be your favorite, someone else may fall in love with it. Experiment around. Change your color palette a little. See if small changes like that make a difference in whether your art sells or is liked by others.

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